a - M. Koka pinch hit for A. Riggs in the 4th
b - I. Strickland substituted for M. Koka in the 4th
c - R. Shearing pinch hit for A. Escalante in the 5th
d - J. Lopez substituted for F. Pena in the 5th
e - V. Whittick pinch hit for K. Worboys in the 6th
f - J. Villanueva pinch hit for Q. Howland in the 6th
g - N. Adderley pinch hit for C. Anthony in the 6th
h - G. Woodroffe inserted as DH in the 7th
i - R. Arce inserted as DH in the 9th
J. Gonzalez
(1, 4th Inning off J. Clemente, 0 on, 1 out)
V. Whittick
(1, 6th Inning off B. Kasim, 1 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
A. Escalante
(1, 4th Inning off J. Clemente, 1 on, 2 outs)
J. Villanueva
(4, 6th Inning off B. Kasim, 2 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
C. Anthony
N. Adderley
A. Riggs
J. Gonzalez
F. Pena
A. Escalante
S. Cuan
K. Worboys
V. Whittick
Q. Howland
J. Villanueva
2-out RBI:
C. Anthony
A. Escalante
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
M. Koka
R. Arce
Sac Fly:
J. Gonzalez
R. Avila
Team LOB:
A. Riggs
J. Gonzalez
R. Avila
Q. Howland
Double Plays:
1 (Avila-Cuan-Whittick)
a - D. MacAulay pinch hit for M. Chiquete in the 4th
b - C. Rivera substituted for M. Berzins in the 5th
c - T. Inamine substituted for J. Mafano in the 5th
d - P. Henriquez substituted for D. Rodriguez in the 5th
e - M. Cozens inserted as DH in the 5th
f - G. Potter substituted for G. Gonzalez in the 6th
g - J. Harvey substituted for M. Squires in the 6th
h - B. Daley pinch hit for M. Barajas in the 6th
i - E. Estrada pinch hit for J. Smallwood in the 6th
j - C. Morris pinch hit for P. Henriquez in the 8th
k - O. Leino substituted for C. Morris in the 9th
l - D. Aguilar pinch hit for E. Estrada in the 9th
m - C. Viera pinch hit for J. Harvey in the 9th
Home Runs:
J. Mafano
(1, 1st Inning off M. McKinlay, 1 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
M. Chiquete
C. Rivera
J. Mafano
C. Morris
2-out RBI:
J. Mafano
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. MacAulay
G. Gonzalez
J. Smallwood
E. Estrada
T. Inamine
Team LOB: